July 27

in the Month of the Most Precious Blood

Saint Celestine I (432).

He was the great Pope of the Council of Ephesus which took place the year before he died. This was the council which condemned Nestorius, the bishop and heretic who denied the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Nestorius claimed that there were two persons in Jesus, and Mary was the Mother of one, and God the Father in eternity the Father of the other. This is blasphemous heresy. There is only one Person in Jesus. That one Divine Person is both the Son of God the Father and the Child of Mary the Virgin. It was Saint Celestine, the Pope, who sent Saint Patrick to be the great apostle of Ireland in 432.

Saint Pantaleon (305).

He was a physician of Nicomedia who was martyred for the Faith. He is one of the fourteen Holy Helpers and is invoked against lung diseases.

Saint Lilian (864).

Saint Lilian (Liliosa) was a glorious martyr who suffered at Cordova in Spain with her husband, Saint Felix. They were killed by the Mohammedans.